CBD Oil for Cats

CBD Oil for Cats: Will It Help Their Anxiety?

Pets go through the same span of emotions we do. A common concern among owners is their pets having anxiety. 

Anxiety Among Cats

Pets become anxious, drawing from their negative experiences in the past.  If your cat had been through abuse, the thought of the event happening again renders the cat an anxious mess. Environmental factors are also a common source of anxiety. Unexpected loud noises or the presence of another cat may also cause anxiety. The fear of traveling, separation anxiety, or even difficulty socializing also brings up anxiety. Like humans, anything that makes the cat feel scared, threatened, and stressed is a source of anxiety. 

A scared cat may become aggressive, run off to hide, or keep purring. These reactions are part of the cat’s “fight or flight” response to stimuli. In times like these, owners empathize and wish to take the weight off the cat’s shoulders. But as the world warms up to cannabis, there seems to be an anxiety solution better than petting your cat. 


More people are taking up CBD oil for cats to influence the physiology and behavioral issues in their pets. Knowledge of the effects of CBD oil on cats’ anxiety has caused quite a buzz. Although there’s yet to be scientific backing for these claims, the anecdotal evidence is strongly encouraging cat owners to buy CBD products. Yet, some questions remain. How safe is CBD oil? How effective is it? How does it help with anxiety?

CBD Oil for Cats: Will It Help Their Anxiety?
CBD Oil for Cats: Will It Help Their Anxiety?

Safety of CBD Oil

CBD oil is quite safe for cats when used according to the dosage instructions. It does not cause any harmful effects.  Research indicates that regularly taking CBD does not negatively affect mood, the nervous system, or any vital function. Subjects only appeared more tired or slackened than usual. Some also stayed for long periods without eating, and when they ate, they showed a significant appetite decline. The research was conducted on human beings, and these results are expected to be the same with cats. Cats would enjoy a similar positive outcome after consuming CBD.

The only issue cat owners are warned about is the presence of impurities in the CBD oil. Depending on the processing method, there’s a risk that the CBD oil purchased for cats contains impurities. Some oil types may also contain psychoactive THC, which is harmful to pets. The impurities may also interact with other medications the cat may be on. As such, you must get CBD oil of high quality.

Identifying Quality CBD Oil

There are three steps to establishing the purity of your CBD oil. The first is to look out for third-party laboratory results. Any pure CBD oil for cats will have third-party results and make this information available to the consumers. The results must be up-to-date. Each oil batch must undergo thorough and rigorous lab testing to confirm that it does not contain any contaminants. The lab testing ensures that the CBD oil contains every component it claims to have, such as low or no THC. The quality of customer service also matters.

The second factor you must consider is the ingredients used in making the CBD oil for cats. If the oil comes from the marijuana plant, the chances are that it contains some THC. But, if the oil was made from the hemp plant, the THC is negligible, if any. THC content must not exceed 0.3%. Also, look out for possible additives in the oil. If it contains any of that, it is effective and safe. 

The third factor is the processing method. The CBD industry is not so well-developed, and there are no standards enforced regarding its production. Some companies turn to cheap methods, while others use standard extraction methods. Know the production method your vendor takes up. Go for CBD oil for cats pressed from hemp plant seeds or extracted using the supercritical carbon dioxide extraction method.

CBD Oil Dosage

CBD Oil Dosage

Once you have secured some pure CBD oil, the next step is to determine the right dose. Ideally, the starting dose is one drop twice a day. Gradually increase this dose to two drops twice a day if you’ve yet to achieve the intended results. But, don’t be quick to increase your dose. Spend at least two or three days in the initial dose, giving your kitty enough time to get used to the CBD oil. 

Also, keep in mind that cats have different physiology and will present different reactions to CBD oil. Some cats get temporarily sedated, which helps to calm them down. The CBD oil also helps to reduce your vet fees. Most cats injure or harm themselves when anxious. So far, owners who have administered CBD oil to their cats for anxiety have a good experience. You may want to try it for yourself. 

Since the CBD oil will be new to the cat, it’s best to start with a low concentration of CBD oil. Observe how your cat reacts to the oil. If the anxiety goes down, continue to administer it. If the oil doesn’t seem to help, you may opt for oil with a higher CBD concentration. If that still does not help, you may drop the oil entirely. However, this is unlikely to happen as most people give successful reports. 

When using high concentration CBD oil, go low on the dosage, and work your way up depending on the results observed. 

Administering CBD Oil to Cats for Anxiety

Cats do not like supplements at all. But, there are clever ways you could use to administer CBD oil. The first way is to add the oil to the cat’s treat or food. Ensure that the oil gets absorbed to mask it. Most CBD oil bottles come with a dropper, and you can easily measure the proper dose. If your cat would not mind it, opt for the full-spectrum CBD oil, the kind that has terpenes and other natural compounds. The additional ingredients make the oil more effective. However, if your cat is finicky, opt for flavourless CBD oil. 

Giving CBD Oil Along With Other Medications

You must have your vet’s consent before introducing CBD oil, especially if your cat is on other medications. Vets are familiar with the interactions and effects of CBD oil and can give good advice. 

CBD oil shows promise in bringing down the anxiety of your feline friend. Buy some from Get Kush and try it. 

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