Three women laughing outdoors

Does Sativa Make You Laugh?

Cannabis, a plant with a rich history and outstanding properties, is most commonly classified into two strains: indica and sativa. While indica is often associated with relaxation and sedation, sativa is usually linked to increased energy, creativity, and mood improvement.

However, does sativa make you laugh? Or does it just mildly make you feel better and release your stress? Keep on reading to learn whether this type of marijuana can give you the giggles you’re looking for!

What Is Cannabis Sativa?

Cannabis sativa comes from warmer parts of the world, such as Southeast Asia or Central and South America – but it is actually indigenous to Eastern Asia.

It can be distinguished from indica even by its appearance, as its leaves are lighter in colour and narrower than their counterparts.

Also, typically, sativa has more THC and less CBD, and it boosts productivity and creativity.

Here are all the most important details on cannabis sativa:

  • Three women laughing outdoors: Hot and dry climates with long sunny days.
  • Appearance: Tall and slender plants with finger-like leaves.
  • Usual CBD-to-THC ratio: Usually higher doses of THC and lower doses of CBD.
  • Common effects: “Mind high”, creativity enhancement, energy boost
  • The best time for using: Daytime, as it has stimulating effects.
  • Setting recommendations: Most commonly used for social settings and creative endeavours.

Most Common Effects of Cannabis Sativa

The most commonly experienced effects of cannabis sativa are as follows:

Elevated Mood

Sativa strains are famous for their mood-enhancing effects, so they can be helpful when you feel blue and need something to cheer you up. It may make everything seem brighter and more positive, supporting you in dealing with various difficulties.

Creativity Improvement

Cannabis sativa can also make you more creative, allowing your thoughts and ideas to flow freely and inventively. Its mind-expanding properties can help you come up with new and interesting ideas.

Energy Boost

If you are searching for a natural pick-me-up, cannabis sativa can be the right choice. It may be helpful in combating fatigue and providing you with enough energy to complete all of your tasks.

Do the Mood-Elevating Properties of Sativa Make You Laugh?

Sativa is often appreciated for its medical benefits, but it is also commonly used for recreational purposes, as it can improve your mood and make you enjoy social gatherings more. Sometimes, it can even make you feel amused and laugh more than usual.

Such an effect can be achieved thanks to this strain’s chemical profile. First, as it was previously mentioned, sativa is richer in THC than indica, and tetrahydrocannabinol is one of the most significant ingredients when it comes to causing the laughing effects.

What’s more, cannabis sativa contains a lot of terpenes. They are not only aromatic compounds that produce the strain’s characteristic scent but also improve its effects, including the property to make you laugh.

What Can Influence the Laugh-Inducing Effects of Sativa?

However, keep in mind that individual biology also matters a lot. Every person has quite a different endocannabinoid system, which means they can react to using cannabis sativa in varied ways. One person may laugh their head off, while someone else will just merely smile or stay indifferent.

Apart from that, the individual’s current mood and environment can also impact the experience. For instance, a relaxed setting among friends can enhance the laughter-inducing effects of sativa, while solitude or a stressful situation might reduce them.

Nevertheless, if you want to maximise the probability of having great giggles after using cannabis sativa, you should opt for the strains that are most famous for these properties.

A person holding a cannabis sativa plant

What Are the Most Recommended Sativa Strains for a Laughing Effect?

Certain strains are more appreciated for their laugh-inducing properties than others, so before you buy cannabis, make sure to choose the one that gives you a high probability of achieving the desired effects.

Some of our recommendations would be:

Laughing Buddha

As even the name of this strain suggests the effect, adding it to the list was pretty obvious. It is known to induce giggles, smiles, and laughter thanks to its Delta-8 THC content.

Moreover, Laughing Buddha can provide you with a mild cerebral high, improving your focus and productivity and making you clearer-headed. For easy consumption, it can also be found in the form of 10-pack pre-rolls.

Ghost Train Haze

This sour and citrusy sativa strain is also appreciated by cannabis enthusiasts for inducing laughter. Its dense buds have been created by crossing Neville’s Wreck and Ghost OG.

Ghost Train Haze will not only serve you giggles but also offer you an energy and creativity boost through a great smoking experience.

Durban Poison

Another great suggestion for a laugh-inducing sativa strain is undoubtedly Durban Poison. Its name may sound intense, but it actually can offer you excellent uplifting and mood-boosting effects.

What’s more, it is also sometimes recommended as one of the best strains for improving creativity.

Super Lemon Haze

This zesty, citrus sativa strain is not only refreshing but also uplifting. Super Lemon Haze is famous for producing a lively, euphoric high that often leads to laughter and an overall feeling of joy.

On top of that, it may also offer an amazing energy boost and a sudden desire to be social, so it is strongly recommended for a solid group giggle with your friends.

Cannabis sativa growing in the wild

Buy High-Quality Sativa Making You Laugh at Get Kush

Here at Get Kush, we are offering you the best sativa strains in Canada, including the ones that are most likely to make you laugh hard.

We carefully prepare the selection of varied products from renowned and trusted manufacturers so that every customer can be fully satisfied with their purchase.

If you’d like to experience pure euphoria while consuming cannabis, you will find exactly what you’re looking for in our online dispensary.

Browse through our sativa products freely and pick the one with the properties and flavour that suits you the most!


  • Is sativa an upper or a downer?

Cannabis sativa strains are typically uplifting, and they offer you a mood-boosting “high”, so they are definitely uppers. If you are looking for a downer to calm you down and facilitate your sleep, you should opt for indica strains.

  • Can hybrid strains also make me laugh?

Yes, certain hybrid cannabis strains can also offer nice giggles, but you need to pay attention to the ratio. If it’s sativa-dominant, you are likely to get mostly the benefits of this cannabis type, including the laughing effects.

  • Can edibles also make me laugh?

Smoking cannabis sativa is not the only way to enjoy its laughing effects! You also have the possibility to opt for cannabis edibles if that is your preferred way of consumption. Just pay attention to their content and make sure you pick either sativa-only products or sativa-dominant hybrids.




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