100 Percent Pure Sativa Strains

100 Percent Pure Sativa Strains: Are There Any?

There are two primary species in the Cannabaceae family, and one of them is Cannabis Sativa L., or sativa. After many years of breeding the strains together to develop the best flavour, effects, aroma, and potency, you might be wondering if there are any pure sativa strains left.  Differences Between the Plants The sativa strain…

Magic Mushrooms A First-Timer’s Guide

Magic Mushrooms: A First-Timer’s Guide

Your first trip using magic mushrooms can be a positive, life-altering experience. However, it can also be difficult and control your senses and your world. Luckily, you can ensure that it is a time of self-exploration and spiritually enhancing. When you get things right, you can have a wonderful, euphoric experience. Lots of factors will…

What Does It Feel Like to Be High on Marijuana

What Does It Feel Like to Be High on Marijuana? Smoking and Vaping

Vaping, ingesting, or smoking cannabis can give you a high. This feeling is known as being stoned. If you are considering vaping or smoking marijuana, you might be wondering what it will feel like to be high.  The answer to that question can vary because marijuana affects each user differently. Some people might feel relaxed…

Can You Fail a Drug Test for Using CBD or Topicals That Have THC

Can You Fail a Drug Test for Using CBD or Topicals That Have THC?

Many people today enjoy using recreational cannabis, and it is legal in countries like Canada. However, that doesn’t mean that every employer wants their employees to use marijuana. It is still common for athletes, employers, and even institutions to do drug tests, and cannabis is one of the things that these tests will look for….

THC in Cannabis Topicals

THC in Cannabis Topicals: Why It Matters

CBD has been popular for several years now, but THC also plays a role when it comes to using topicals. Cannabis has more than 500 different components in it, and cannabinoids make up about 85 of these components. Of course, the most well-known ones are CBD and THC. CBD is a buzzword in the topical…

What Is a Vape Pen & How to Use It for THC, CBD and More

What Is a Vape Pen & How to Use It for THC, CBD and More

Many people like to use vape pens for taking cannabis. This is a relatively simple way to vape, even if you have never done it before. Vape pens were used after the first e-cigarette. Originally, people often used them to vape nicotine. But today, you can use them with CBD vape juice and oil cartridges…

The Difference Between Cannabinoids and Terpenes

The Difference Between Cannabinoids and Terpenes

If you have used cannabis before, you probably know about cannabinoids. CBD and THC have been popular among mainstream users for many years. But now, terpenes are becoming more popular. These are not the same thing as cannabinoids, and knowing how to use terpenes can take your cannabis experience to a whole new level. About…

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