How to get Weed Out Of Your System Fast

How to get Weed Out Of Your System Fast

Marijuana is now legal to buy and smoke for adults all over Canada. But as forgiving as the new laws are, you’ll still want to know how to get weed out of your system fast if you have a drug test coming up or simply want to detox. Marijuana can stay in your system for a while, but there are numerous ways you can speed up the process of flushing it out. There are also multiple ways you can mask THC in your system to avoid a failed drug test.

Users who need to take a drug test for their career will want to start clearing their body of any marijuana metabolites as soon as possible. Other users may simply want to take a personal detox and flush any traces of marijuana out of their system. Clearing your body of weed can even reset your tolerance, so you can enjoy weed even more if you start smoking it again.

How fast you can get weed out of your system will depend on various factors, including how often you use weed, how much you’ve used recently, how you use it, and personal factors such as your weight and metabolism. But don’t worry, there are many effective ways to start flushing your system. Here’s a guide to how to get weed out of your system fast.

How Long Does Weed Stay in Your System?

When you use weed, you’ll generally only feel high for a few hours, although it may be more or less depending on how you consume it and your tolerance. However, while the effects of weed can wear off relatively quickly, the THC from weed can still stay in your system for quite a while.

Usually, after consuming weed in any form, you’ll be left with marijuana metabolites in your body. Generally, these won’t make much of a difference, although one study found that THC can be released back into your system through food deprivation. However, if you have THC left in your system, it will be detected on a drug test.

How long THC stays in your system can depend on a few things, such as how frequently you use marijuana and how fast your metabolism is. Generally, weed stays in your system for anywhere from a few days to a month.

A study found that your body flushes out around 80-90% of the THC in your system within around five days. Traces may still remain for a little longer, but there are ways you can speed up the process of excretion and clear your body of leftover marijuana metabolites.

How Long Before You Can Pass a Drug Test?
How to get Weed Out Of Your System Fast

How Long Before You Can Pass a Drug Test?

Usually, you can pass a drug test after seven days of abstaining from smoking. However, this can vary depending on the kind of test you take, how much weed you’ve used, and the steps you’ve taken to clear your system of any leftover THC.

Saliva and blood tests are generally the easiest to pass. Blood tests for THC usually have a detection window of 1-2 days for those who don’t smoke frequently, although those who smoke more often may still be caught with THC in their blood for up to a week. Saliva tests usually only detect THC if you’ve consumed any weed in the last 24 hours.

Hair tests are much harder to pass- traces of THC can stay in your hair and even be detected in your body hair for as long as three months if you smoke regularly, and up to a month for less frequent users. However, hair tests aren’t commonly used and you’re much more likely to face a urine test.

Urine tests are the most common kinds of drug tests. These will generally detect weed in your system for up to a week after usage. Infrequent users may even pass after less than a week. Users who use a lot of weed regularly may have a harder time passing, but there are many methods you can use to flush weed out of your system faster and pass a urine test.

How to Get Weed Out Of Your System Fast

Weed usually gets flushed out of your system within around a week. But in cases when you have a drug test coming up, it helps to know how to get weed out of your system fast. Naturally, abstaining from weed as soon as possible will help, but even if you’ve smoked weed in the past few days, there are a few effective ways to flush it out of your system faster.

Drinking as much water as possible in the days leading up to a drug test will help you flush more of the THC out of your system. Other liquids, such as cranberry juice and prune juice, will also help you detoxify your system faster. It also helps to eat more, especially when it comes to high-fiber foods which will speed up digestion and help you get rid of more marijuana metabolites.

Even if you have a drug test coming up within the next few days, there are some last-resort approaches which can help. Drinking a lot of water before a test will help dilute your urine, although drug tests will often be flagged if it seems like your urine is too diluted. Supplements such as Vitamin B-12 and Creatine can help you avoid a disqualified test. You can even get detox kits and detox drinks which are designed to help you pass a test.

Flush it Out With Water

Flush it Out With Water

One of the simplest and also one of the most effective approaches to get weed out of your system as quickly as possible is to drink plenty of water. Drinking half a gallon to a gallon a day will help flush more THC out of your system faster. It can also help to drink a lot of water immediately before a drug test to mask the THC in your system.

Drinking a lot of water helps as most of the THC in your system is flushed out simply by going to the toilet. The more water you drink, the more you’ll end up flushing out. It also helps to detoxify your system as a whole and speeds up your metabolism. No matter how quickly you need to get weed out of your system, it always helps to drink more water.

Drinking a couple of hours or so before a test is also a common approach as it helps dilute your urine and mask the THC in your system. If your urine test comes out too clear, you may have to retake the test, however, there are ways around this.

Eat Foods That Speed Up Digestion

Just as drinking more water will help you flush more THC out of your body, eating clean will also help you boost your metabolism and excrete more THC. Eating foods that help speed up digestion will help rid your system of leftover marijuana metabolites faster.

It helps to eat healthily. Foods such as lean meat, vegetables, and fruit will help you detoxify faster. It can also help to eat foods that are high in fiber such as whole grains, nuts, and legumes. These will help speed up your digestive system and help to clear your body of weed faster.

Avoid sugary drinks, candies, and junk foods. Anything high in sodium or sugar can slow down your metabolism and also make you retain more water, which will make it much harder to clear your system of weed. If you have a drug test coming up or want to detox your system, it’s always best to eat as healthy as possible. 

Use Natural Diuretics Like Cranberry Juice

Use Natural Diuretics Like Cranberry Juice

The things you drink will also have an impact on getting weed out of your system. While drinking a lot of water will help, there are also other kinds of drinks which can speed up the process of getting weed out of your system.

Cranberry juice is often recommended for users trying to pass a drug test. It’s a natural diuretic which can help speed up the excretion of marijuana metabolites and help clean your system out. Similarly, prune juice can also help. Although they’ll be less effective if you have a drug test within a couple of days, it can help to drink one or two glasses a day if you have more time.

It also helps to drink tea. Tea is known for its natural detoxing effects and can also help you flush more THC out. It’s also high in vitamins and minerals which can have an overall positive impact on your body. Green tea is usually recommended, but you can also drink Jasmine tea, Black tea or whichever kind you prefer. Adding lemon juice is also a great approach for extra detoxifying effects.

Take Supplements to Mask THC in Your System

While you can use all kinds of methods to help speed up your metabolism and flush more THC out of your system, those who have a drug test coming up fast will also need to mask the THC left in their system. There are a few natural supplements which can help with this. B Vitamins and Creatine, in particular, are often used to help pass a drug test.

If you take a drug test and your urine is too clear or diluted, it’ll often be flagged as suspicious and you won’t pass your test. Many users use Vitamin B-12 to avoid this. Not only can it help detox your system, but it can also help make your test look more natural and help you pass.

Creatine is another natural supplement commonly taken before a drug test. Urine tests will test for creatinine in your body, and having low amounts can result in a flagged test. Taking creatine supplements in the days leading up to a drug test can help avoid any suspicion and improve your chances of passing.

Use a Detox Kit or Detox Drink


Use a Detox Kit or Detox Drink

If you have a drug test coming up soon and need to get weed out of your system fast, it can often help to use a detox kit. Detox kits are designed specifically to help users who need to get as much THC out of their system and hide the rest. They’ll usually give you everything you need, including the right drinks, vitamins, and even a home test to help you make sure you pass.

Detox Drinks are similar- these drinks are usually packed with all of the right ingredients to help you avoid a failed or flagged test. Some are even designated for use a couple of hours before a drug test. While they don’t work with 100% certainty, they can help users improve their chances of passing.

Best Way to Get Weed Out of Your System Fast

If you need to clear your system of weed, it’s always best to do it as soon as possible. The earlier you abstain from weed, start drinking water, eating healthier, and exercising, the sooner your body will be THC-free. However, if you need to flush your system out fast, there are still some very effective approaches.

Drinking water is always essential. It helps flush THC out of your system and can also mask traces left in your urine. However, drinking too much can cause a urine test to look suspicious, so if you have a drug test coming up, combine it with creatine and vitamin B-12 to improve your chances of passing.

Eating healthy foods and natural detox drinks such as green tea and lemon juice will also help significantly. Avoid anything high in sugar or sodium, especially as these can cause you to retain more THC in your system. If you have a test coming up fast, it’s best to buy a detox kit. These kits usually give you everything you need to increase your chances of passing as much as possible.

Getting weed out of your system will be harder if you smoke more frequently or have a slower metabolism. However, these are the best ways to get weed out of your system fast and can work for all kinds of users.

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